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Category: Insurance Tips

Safeguarding Your Income: The Importance of Disability Insurance

May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month, a time when the importance of income protection is highlighted. At Boettcher Insurance Agency, we recognize the critical role that disability insurance plays in securing your financial future. In today's uncertain world, having a disability insurance policy is essential for peace of mind. Millions of working Americans are facing the pressing issue of a lack of adequate disability insurance...

Why Travel Insurance Is Essential

In today's unpredictable world, traveling often requires more than just packing your bags and booking your tickets. The importance of preparing for the unexpected cannot be overstated, and one of the most crucial aspects of travel preparation is securing comprehensive travel insurance. It's important to note that Medicare offers minimal coverage when traveling outside of the United States, leaving you vulnerable to significant medical expenses....

Choosing Your Path in Retirement: Navigating the Medicare Advantage and Medigap Landscape

"One of the biggest decisions seniors face is how to approach healthcare in retirement. Nearly half of all seniors (48%) opt for a Medicare Advantage plan, an "all-in-one" plan that covers the full scope of a patient’s needs. 1 Others enroll in Original Medicare, which covers the basics, and supplement their coverage with Medigap plans. Each route has different implications, but given current healthcare trends,...

Big Boost to HSA, HDHP Limits in 2024 Given by the IRS

What are Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) Health savings accounts (HSAs) are a special tax-advantaged account that helps you save money for the future medical and health-related expenses - tax free. How HSAs Work Withdrawals from HSAs to pay qualified medical expenses are tax free. HSAs offer a triple tax benefit: HSA contributions are pretax. That is, you are not taxed on any of your contributions...

Do you know how to utilize an HSA as a strategy to pay for future expenses? Hello, yes you can use your HSA funds to pay for your part B premiums.

As we are headed into tax season, I wanted to remind people to try to put away money into their HSAs for the past year 2022, and take advantage of the key tax savings. If you are new to having an HSA for 2023 now is a great time to start planning for your future. According to Fidelity, the average American will pay $300,000 to...